Development of a technology for effective use of subgrain in the production process of high-grade silicon and iron alloys (FeSi) along with providing zero-emission energy resource (RES) for this process.

Akronim: NOSAL
Nr projektu: FENG.01.01-IP.01-001G/23

Project objective: 

The project objective is to develop and carry out tests in industrial conditions of an innovative technology consisting of full management of the ferrosilicon (FeSi) production process by-products along with providing zero-emission electricity for the process in order to reduce the carbon footprint in the conditions of the industrial use of the above technology.


PLN 111,724,796.48


PLN 61,623,866.15


from 02/01/2024 until  31/05/2026

Subject of the project:

The subject of the project includes implementation of two interlinked modules:

R&D and greening of the industry

Within the R&D module, research and development works are going to carried out to develop an innovative technology consisting of full management of the ferrosilicon (FeSi) production process by-products generated at the stage of crushing and screening of the above-standard-quality alloy production process (Al max. 0.5%, Ca max. 0.1%, C max. 0.02). Eco-innovation features of the planned technology: replacing of the subgrain briquetting by its processing with the use of liquid metal heat and chemical reactions and thus lowering of specific energy consumption rate for FeSi75.

Within the Greening module, a 35 MW PV installation is to be constructed to generate energy for the ferrosilicon production process (FeSi75) carried out based on the innovative technology obtained in the R&D module.
As a result of implementation of the module, a higher level of environmental protection is going to be achieved. Construction of own installation for energy generation from RES is going to provide, among others: a significant reduction of CO2 emission (avoided emission), minimisation of carbon footprint of the premium FeSi75 grades, a competitive edge by independence of adverse effects of unjustified rapid growth of energy prices on the market. Implementation of the subject has also a huge potential to transform the industry, in particular metallurgy.

Implementation stages: 

R&D module

  1. Development of a technological process scheme of dissolving 0-3 mm FeSi75 in liquid FeSi75 while at the same time reducing the Al content in FeSi75 to max. 0.5% be weight and basic parameters of the production line.
  2. Design and construction of a demonstration line for dissolving 0-3 mm FeSi75 in liquid FeSi75 and for refining reducing Al content to max. 0.5% by weight.
  1. Technological tests and devising a technology for dissolving 0-3 mm FeSi75 in liquid FeSi75 and for refining reducing Al content to max. 0.5% by weight.

Greening module

  1. Preparation of the project documentation, obtaining a construction permit, and preparation of post-implementation documents.
  2. Implementation preparatory works.
  3. Construction of a RES installation.

Results of the project and its recipients: 


The result of the project will be an innovative technology consisting of full management of the ferrosilicon (FeSi) production process by-products of quality higher than the standard one (Al max. 0.5%, Ca max. 0.1%, C max. 0.02).

The process innovation is to be implemented in own operation of the company. Availability of the premium FeSi alloys manufactured on the basis of the technology obtained in the project will enable steel producers  to increase production and broaden the offer of the produced special steels used in the electrical and mechanical engineering (transformers), automotive, or chemical sector (installations).

Additionally, the devised technology, featured by lowered energy consumption rate – energy generated by RES, will translate into significant reduction of CO2 emission in the FeSi production, what will influence further transformation of the business activity into the carbon footprint reduction aim at the subsequent participants of the manufacturing process.

Moreover, during the project, a PV installation will be constructed to be a RES used directly in the operating activity to perform the production process. Thanks to this project, CO2 emission to air will be reduced.

Source of financing: 

Project co-financed by EU funds within the European Funds for Modern Economy Programme, measure FENG.01.01 – Strand SMART.


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