All our actions are driven by intragenerational solidarity; therefore, we build our value on the foundations of sustainable development, respect for our employees, local communities and natural environment.  To meet our stakeholders’ expectations, we support the initiative of ESG reporting.

ESG Re Alloys
Re Alloys randd

As an energy-intensive producer, we pay special attention to limitation of carbon footprint, increase of energy efficiency of our processes and minimising materials consumption.

Along with the employees we want to create a good work place, that is why we implement a new personal strategy based on our employees’ opinion.

Decision-making processes are of key importance for us; thus, we strive for achieving above-average results by operating transparently, with respect to basic principles and shareholders expectations.


Re Alloys defines sustainable development as intragenerational solidarity consisting in searching for such solutions ensuring further growth which allow active inclusion of all social groups in developmental processes, at the same time providing those groups with a possibility to benefit from economic growth.

Along with our business partners, we take action aiming at the most effective growth. A starting point for consideration on sustainable development goals is “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” adopted by United Nations in 2015.  Amongst 17 identified sustainable development goals, 6 related to metallurgy industry were chosen. Re Alloys, however, attains many more goals than only those considered to be typical for the sector it operates in.


What is a very important matter for our company is the contribution to and involvement not only in our employees’ life, but also in the life of the hosting community.

We are concerned about health and quality of life of people around us, therefore we undertake various activities. We completed a number of projects that significantly increased the well-being of employees and their families.  We organised various campaigns of informative nature (“Get to grips with your health”, “Take care of your health and the health of your family”, “Luma People”) that aimed at underlining the significance of healthy lifestyle including healthy diet, building up the immunity, active leisure time (especially spent outdoors). We also touched the matter of a friendly work place and the life-work balance.

By organising events such as trips for the employees and their families or the Children’s Day organised in the headquarters, we advocate family ties and values, we underline their importance. We promote spending time together.  Thanks to numerous competitions we encourage the young generation to seek active and creative ways of spending free time. 


At Re Alloys, we care for the quality of education, that is why our employees are given the opportunity to improve their qualifications by participation in the on-line English lessons.  We also promote broadening the horizons of the youngest kids and we organise and fully sponsor educational trips for our employees’ children. We hope that the trip to the park of dinosaurs or to the astronomical observatory will stimulate their imagination.  A useful tool in terms of education is our company newsletter where we regularly publish educational articles.


The objective that is particularly close to the company is the environmental liability. We are convinced that thanks to environmental education and raising environmental awareness from the earliest age we are able to strengthen the sense of responsibility for the natural surroundings.  We conducted the campaign called “We are ECOlogical” within which we were teaching and promoting green, pro-environmental attitudes.  We support our employees’ voluntary service, such as collection of plastic caps for charity.


At Re Alloys, we know very well how important education is, that is why we offer our employees a number of possibilities to improve their qualifications. We continue the English course we started last year and, what is more, we have launched MS Excel training on various levels of literacy. The courses we offer are very popular among our employees.

It is also very important for us to broaden the horizons and educate the little ones, that is why we organise educational trips for our employees’ children. Visits to the Old Mill interactive museum and the Silver Mine are interesting ideas for learning about the region’s history. A lesson in the school of magic and the possibility of making own sweets and pizza is a great combination of learning and fun.

Environmental protection matters are crucial for us. Therefore, we involve in activities to ensure protection of our planet and we encourage our employees to join us. This year we have organised two trees planting campaigns so far, within which 3400 seedlings were planted (including 3100 oaks). Our actions aim at reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere but also at environmental education, promotion of green initiative and increasing environmental awareness. The company’s employees with their families and local communities were involved in our afforestation campaigns.

We take care of our employees’ health, that is why we provide them with private medical care.

We promote healthy and active lifestyle. We have established a jogging group to encourage our employees to train together and to participate in running competitions, also those supporting charity campaigns.  We share the “I run – I help” goal.

This year, we have also joined the RowerON project – grab your bike, feel godlike! The initiative fostered the active summertime with learning about the region’s history and seeing interesting places in the neighbourhood. The participants could choose among 14 cycle routes in 7 poviats and cities of the Śląskie voivodeship. 


Information on the tax strategy implemented
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