Re Alloys sp. z o.o. in 2014 completed implementation of the project named: “Modernisation of the de-dusting installation of the III furnace building “.
The investment was implemented within the programme of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management called “Efficient Use of Energy part 2) co-financing of projects leading to energy saving or energy efficiency increase in enterprises”. Within the project, energy supply systems of 6 gas extraction fans in the III and IV furnace buildings were modernised. The undertaking allowed changing a fans efficiency adjustment method by changing their rotational velocity. The effect of the conducted modernisation is reduction of electricity consumption, as well as CO2 emission reduction. In the first five years of using the implemented solution, the company achieved energy saving of approx. 26,900 MWh and CO2 emission reduction by approx. 23,900 Mg.
05.07.2013 – 31.01.2014
4 321 727,20 PLN
3 241 295,40 PLN
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