Re Alloys is a ferroalloys producer who is trusted and highly valued in the industry. Thanks to a highly-qualified technical staff and management having great awareness of the ferroalloys market and the production process, Re Alloys has been a leading ferroalloys producer in the region for many years.

Re Alloys is a part of Luma Holding Capital Group associating companies from Metallurgy Industry, Ventures and Automotive sectors in its portfolio. Luma Holding invests in companies with global ambitions in Poland and CEE region.

The core objective of the company is production of ferroalloys based on silicon, mainly in a form of various types of ferrosilicon. Yearly, Re Alloys produces 80,000 tonnes of this product, that is approx. 15% of the whole European production. Market share in Germany, Czech Republic and Slovakia amounts to 30%. The company’s products are being sold in almost all European markets.

One of Re Alloys’ activity directions is production of niche ferroalloys of high purity and unique chemical composition applicable in high-technology industry.

The plant uses innovative solutions which are efficient and environmentally friendly. The main recipients of Re Alloys’ offer are manufacturers of steel, automotive, arms and aircraft industries.



Effective manufacturing of high-quality products with the use of innovative environmentally friendly technologies.


High-performance, zero-emission production of top quality ferroalloys providing a stable position on the demanding European market.


Responsible management is of fundamental significance when it comes to sustainable development of an enterprise. Being a producer and a supplier of key products for many sectors of the industry, Re Alloys conducts its business consciously, especially in the field of the influence on the natural environment and social responsibility.

The adopted and pursued Re Alloys Going Green strategy reflects the climate ambitions of the company and is a determinant of Re Alloys growth. The fundamental objective of Going Green is to achieve zero-emission and energy independence by transition into renewable energy sources. The Going Green approach is the linchpin and hallmark of the measures we take for environmental protection. At the same time, it fits with Re Alloys social responsibility policy.

Re Alloys ochrona srodowiska
We minimise
negative impact
on the environment
Re Alloys innowacyjnosc
We invest
and use cutting-edge
Re Alloys sukces rynkowy

Re Alloys’ output reaches 15% of the whole European total

Re Alloys effective production
We are constantly looking
for effective methods
and technological improvements


Re Alloys’ target is to use modern technologies, implement innovative projects and constantly1 search for effective methods and technological improvements, therefore, in implementing investment objectives, it collaborates with scientific centres. Cooperation which should be noted is the one with Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, the Częstochowa University of Technology, the Opole University of Technology, the Institute of Metallurgy in Gliwice and the Central Mining Institute in Katowice.



Re Alloys nakierowana jest na wykorzystanie nowoczesnych technologii, realizowanie innowacyjnych projektów oraz stałe poszukiwanie efektywnych metod i usprawnień technologicznych, dlatego współpracuje z ośrodkami naukowymi, z którymi wspólnie realizuje przedstawione cele inwestycyjne. Należy wspomnieć przede wszystkim o współpracy z Politechniką Śląską, Akademią Górniczo-Hutniczą im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie, Politechniką Częstochowską, Politechniką Opolską, Instytutem Metalurgii Żelaza w Gliwicach i Głównym Instytutem Górnictwa w Katowicach.


Re Alloys has been an active energy market participant for many years, it has the electrical power and natural gas trading concessions, it is also a member of the TGE power exchange. Having unrivalled experience and highly-qualified team dealing with the energy trade, the company has set up a new department – the Energy Trade Office.

The Energy Trade Office focuses in the following operations:

  • direct participation in the wholesale energy market in Poland
  • energy purchase optimisation for the purpose of the portfolio of clients,
  • professional attendance of clients in terms of supplies and settlements of energy,
  • establishing cooperation with new recipients of electrical power,
  • constant analysis of legal and economic environment of energy market in Poland and Europe.
In 2017 Re Alloys was awarded by the TGE for the highest activity during the new listing system debut - X-Stream Trading.
We kindly inform you that Re Alloys does not sale energy to individual consumers and does not conclude power purchase agreements outside the company’s registered office
The Energy Trading Office is a team of specialists who will advise you on cooperation possibilities and provide information on benefits of our offer.


Chief Executive Officer
Dorota Pieszczoch Re Alloys

Member of the Management Board

Member of the Management Board

Member of the Management Board

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