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Development and implementation of a technology of electricity production from post-production gases heat

Re Alloys sp. z o.o. implement an innovative project called “Development and implementation of a technology of electricity production from post-production gases heat” co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the Innovative Economy Operational Programme POIG.01.04.00-24-005/09, POIG.04.01.00-24-005/09 and from the funds of the Regional Environmental and Water Management (WFOŚiGW) in Katowice.

The project’s objectives were to improve the energy efficiency of production of FeSi75% ferrosilicon smelted in arc-resistance furnaces. The project scope comprised modernisation of two smelting furnaces of the production plant, delivery and installation of a turbo generator and installation a complete power unit for production of electric and heat power. The project was implemented based on a pioneering technology, a licence to which is held by the company under the name European Silicon. The innovative technology was granted an accolade in XII edition of the Polish Product of the Future competition in the category: technology of the future at the pre-implementation stage. The technology is compliant with the Best Available Techniques (BAT) for the ferrosilicon production process with heat recovery from the post-process gases.

One of the key aspects of the implemented project is its environmentally-friendly nature is reflected in reducing of gases and dusts emission (NOX, SO2, CO2) and atmospheric emission of heat energy, in using renewable fuels in the production of silicon alloys or acquiring the status of the wasteless energy production.


15.03.2009 – 28.08.2015


66 142 156,02 PLN


13 798 550,00 PLN


20 086 242,50 PLN

The project allowed for accomplishing the production and economic objectives.

  1. Production capacity extension.
  2. Decrease in production costs by reducing electricity losses.
  3. Production of heat energy in a form of domestic hot water and electricity out of heat from post-process gases.
  4. Decrease in costs of FeSi75% manufacturing.
    Achieving 90% of basic element yield.
  5. Improvement of energy efficiency of the silicon alloys smelting process.

A powerful project team was the guarantee for effective implementation of the project. It associated highly qualified specialists with vast technological and production experience, as well as external consultants including i.a. scientist from the Silesian University of Technology.