Re Alloys builds a 35 MW wind farm!

On November 17, 2022, Wind Farm Łada, a subsidiary of Re Alloys, signed a contract with the Nordex Group for delivery and installation of ten wind turbines. The farm with a capacity of  35MW will be built in the Dzwola commune, in Kocudza I, Kocudza II and Kocudza III localities.

Commissioning of turbines is planned for early 2024.

This transaction is yet another element of Re Alloys Going Green strategy. Its main assumption is to fully cover Re Alloys’ energy needs from renewable energy sources, thereby achieve net-zero emissions.

The implementation of Going Green is of great importance from the perspective of environmental protection. Re Alloys is an energy-intensive company and switching to renewable energy sources will help avoid CO2 emissions. In addition, own and inexhaustible resources will allow the company to achieve energy independence which will translate into reduced and stable manufacturing costs. This, in turn, will have a significant impact on preserving jobs at the time of uncertainty and rising energy prices.

Re Alloys is one of the largest employers in the municipality. Maintaining employment is particularly important to provide the municipality with the income needed to deliver high quality public services.

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